War of the Worlds Immersive Experience reopens - how to get tickets

Multi award-winning Jeff Wayne’s The War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience returns with a new production.

The show features live actors, virtual and augmented realities, 5D effects, plus the recorded voices of Moody Blues’ Justin Hayward, Inglorious’ Nathan James and Kaiser Chief’s Ricky Wilson set to Jeff’s multi-platinum selling double album.

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Visitors will meet a colourful cast of characters as they visit the Royal Observatory, sneak into a deserted house, and escape London on a boat down the Thames, whilst trying to survive the Martian invaders.

Interactive holograms of Tom Brittney and Anna-Marie Wayne feature as George Herbert, The Journalist and Carrie, The Journalist’s wife, and Carrie Hope Fletcher as Beth, Parson Nathaniel’s wife, plus a live cast of 12 actors completing a live experience.

Composer/producer Jeff Wayne partnered with digital entertainment company Layered Reality to re-imagine his musical work and produce what became, Jeff Wayne’s The War of The Worlds: The Immersive Experience.

Since its opening last year, it achieved widespread critical acclaim and won the Tea Thea Award, considered the “Oscars” of the Entertainment world for Outstanding Achievement in Connected Immersion and the Gold Winners for Best Innovation, Youth Travel Awards 2019.

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With journalist George Herbert as your guide, he will take you through a feature-length plot of 24 scenes with the challenge of covering more than half a mile of movie sets, as you duck, dodge and slide your way through the two-hour attack from the Martian forces.

Should you survive, you will have shared something unique, perilous and exhilarating with the Experience’s team, celebrating your survival in a themed steampunk bar/restaurant, the Spirit of Man, welcoming you with its own smoke-blowing green-eyed Martian Fighting Machine.

Jeff Wayne’s musical version of the War of the Worlds is the biggest-selling stand-alone double album of all time with more than 16 million sales and two international hit singles – The Eve of The War and Forever Autumn – all featured in the Experience.

For more than four decades, Jeff has showcased HG Wells’ dark Victorian tale to listeners and audiences from around the world, while pushing technology to the limit both sonically and visually.

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Originally released in June 1978, 40 years after Orson Welles’ infamous panic-inducing Halloween night radio broadcast about a Martian invasion of New York. Today, the apocalyptic themes of Jeff’s Musical Version of The War of the Worlds appear more relevant than ever.

To ensure audiences safe enjoyment throughout the show, all the ur actors are trained to keep the groups at a safe distance, allowing guests to be at the heart of the action, experiencing first hand the fear and destruction wrought by the attack of the Martian forces.

“My musical version of The War of The Worlds has now occupied a good part of my life, and I’ve been fortunate to see it grow in so many unexpected ways,” said Jeff.

When the pandemic closed the show in March, it was like so many others that instantly became threatened, with no real surety of when ‘normal’, or even close to ‘normal’, would return.